Zigzag origami banner PowerPoint Diagram Template
Zigzag origami banner PowerPoint Diagram Template: This diagram is a zigzag-shaped origami banner. It provides a horizontal text box by twisting long ribbons zigzag. It is also…
Ascending-circles PowerPoint Diagram Template
Ascending-circles PowerPoint Diagram Template: This diagram is a template with diagonal arrows and circles. Circles on both sides of the center circle indicate growth from low to…
Cascading banner PowerPoint Diagram Template
Cascading banner PowerPoint Diagram Template: This is a 5-step cascading banner diagram. This diagram shows the ascending steps of cascading into a twisted ribbon shape. It is also…
Dotted lines surround circles PowerPoint Diagram Template
Dotted lines surround circles PowerPoint Diagram Template: This diagram is a simple timeline design using dotted lines and circles. You can visualize the time flow by placing colored…
Flat triangle chart PowerPoint Diagram Template
Flat triangle chart PowerPoint Diagram Template: This diagram is a flat triangle chart. This is a triangular shape that overlaps horizontally. You can modify the height of the triangle…
Paper stick PowerPoint Diagram Template
Paper stick PowerPoint Diagram Template: This diagram is a design with a paper stick crossed around the middle circle. It can organize and explain the six concepts. It is also an…