Concentric union flower PowerPoint Diagram Template
Concentric union flower PowerPoint Diagram Template: This diagram combines the semicircles to show the concentric flower shape. The two flower shapes can explain or compare different…
Donut star shape PowerPoint Diagram Template
Donut star shape PowerPoint Diagram Template: This is a star diagram made in 1/5 donut shape. This diagram can be used to describe ideas and concepts using five-points. It is also…
Rocket Launched PowerPoint Template
Rocket Launched PowerPoint Template was designed with the concept of a rocket launched over a yellow background. This template can be used for a thriving business expression. It…
Radar chart PowerPoint Diagram Template
Radar chart PowerPoint Diagram Template: This is a radar chart describing numerical data linearly. This radar chart can be described as a line chart with the X axis wrapped around…
Bent line bar chart PowerPoint Diagram Template
Bent line bar chart PowerPoint Diagram Template: This diagram is a vertical bar chart. This has a visual effect by placing a bent line on the bar chart. Numerical values can be…
6 calendars PowerPoint Diagram Template
6 calendars PowerPoint Diagram Template: This is a diagram with six calendars. This diagram can be used to represent the flow of time or the progress of a task by placing the calendar…