
Global Education Solution PowerPoint Templates

Global Education Solution PowerPoint Templates: This template is a composite of bulbs, earth, and students. In addition, we put the shape of the city in the background to catch the concept of global education. Using blue as the main color, we made it give cool feeling and trust together.

Search Keywords: education, atmosphere, bachelor, blue, bulb, cartography, concept, continent, earth, east, equator, Europe, geography, global, globe, graphic, hand, lamp, land, map, meridian, people, planet, render, science, sea, shape, sky, south, space, sphere, stratosphere, student, surface, USA, view, west, world, PowerPoint Templates, ppt, google slides

Global Education Solution PowerPoint Templates: It includes 48 slides

Features: Global Education Solution PowerPoint Templates
    • Fully and easily editable (shape color, size, and text)
    • This template has a color theme and will automatically apply color when copied and pasted
    • It includes a customizable icon family with 135 different icons(Fully editable)
    • Drag and drop image placeholder
    • Easy editable data-driven charts (Editable via Excel)
    • Vector graphics 100% fully editable
    • Based on master slides
    • The aspect ratio of 16:9
    • All background images are included. But The pictures used for example in the image placeholder are not included (You can easily insert your images) => Example pictures copyright:
    • Our templates can be used for school classes, business purposes, and commercial purposes. But all images and graphics (shapes) in this template are produced by Redistribution of the template or the extraction graphics is completely prohibited.



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90 replies
  1. Shanice
    Shanice says:

    Thank you!! You saved my group presentation today! I used about 14 slides and the icons helped a lot ! Thanks! Wish I could show you the before and after! Lol

  2. Ekky
    Ekky says:

    Oh, God..
    Thank U for your kindness bro.. I really love your hardwork, it’s not easy to make this site and make all ppt.. Thank U

    • adminae
      adminae says:

      There are no templates on graduation topics. Just pick the design you want from Abstract, Education, Nature, and more within the PPT Templates category. I hope you find the template you want.

  3. waqas hassan
    waqas hassan says:

    the best website i have ever seen…working on computers since 1998 but your contribution is awesome.
    easy downloads
    separate icons
    wonderful color schemes
    in short your rock free-power-point 🙂

  4. Pranesh Sarangi
    Pranesh Sarangi says:

    Hi. I love your templates. In the recent ones, on many pages the background images/photos don’t seem to be included in the template when we download. For example, in this on: Global Education solution, the background images are missing from pages 5, 8, 16, 21, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37, and 39. Is there anything that I am doing worong or have these photos/images have been removed from the background, for some reason. I would really like to have them work as shown, as they look amazing. Thanks!

    • adminae
      adminae says:

      We show examples to use the photo frame effectively. Please use the picture you want in the picture frame. If you don’t have a suitable picture, we recommend you download and use the free picture at ‘’.

  5. 김은주
    김은주 says:

    감사한 마음으로 잘 사용하도록 하겠습니다.
    공유해주셔서 고맙습니다

  6. Dr.G V Rao
    Dr.G V Rao says:

    First of all, I want to appreciate your work and secondly you are toooooo sweet for allowing us to use it for free. I can’t express how happy I am when I saw your site and with so many useful templates. I am still wondering and can’t believe that there are still some people in the world does such services for free…wow. God bless you and keep doing this.

    Ok, now I have have couple of questions:
    1. Can you add our names in your database and send us an email when ever you upload any new templates.
    2. Do you have any other templates other than this 48.

    Once again God Bless You and your work, world needs more people like you. Keep it up. Please do stay safe.

    • adminae
      adminae says:

      Thank you. We will try to make a better template.
      It is difficult to send separate e-mails for answers to questions. We mainly update on Wednesday. Note please. We are uploading 48 slide templates and diagrams. I’m planning something else, but not yet.

  7. Samuel Frederick
    Samuel Frederick says:

    Just wanna say thank you for these awesome templates. Really helped a lot with my presentations. Please keep up the good work 🙂

  8. Muhammad Sohaib
    Muhammad Sohaib says:

    Thank you for this template. It is very helpful. Do you have any template related to awareness, drug awareness to be more specific.

  9. Edwin Marin
    Edwin Marin says:

    Gracias, me gustaron mucho tus plantillas, me han servido un monton, siempre las recomiendo.

  10. Lyna
    Lyna says:

    I’m enjoying your template. It makes my day lighter while preparing my presentation. Thank you so much

  11. Somany thankyou
    Somany thankyou says:

    why do you make so many free templates for everyone? whereas, on other websites with the same template quality you have to pay. therefore I am very grateful. I hope you get the meaning of goodness from the people who are helped.


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