Fork food list PowerPoint Diagram Template: This diagram is a design that takes various foods with a fork. This is a list diagram that lists the flow and evolution of ideas. It is also an editable graphic with text and icon placeholders.
This PowerPoint diagram template has theme color applied. So when you do simple copying and pasting, the color will be applied automatically. In addition, shapes and text are 100% editable
This ‘Fork food list PowerPoint Diagram Template’ Preview:
This template can be used for school classes, business purposes, and commercial purposes. However, this template cannot be distributed absolutely.
Test tube chart PowerPoint Diagram Template: This diagram is a test tube-shaped bar chart. Data can be modified by simple numeric input. It is also an editable graphic with text and icon placeholders.
This PowerPoint diagram template has theme color applied. So when you do simple copying and pasting, the color will be applied automatically. In addition, shapes and text are 100% editable
This ‘Test tube chart PowerPoint Diagram Template’ Preview:
This template can be used for school classes, business purposes, and commercial purposes. However, this template cannot be distributed absolutely.
Thumb up-down PowerPoint Diagram Template: This diagram is a symmetrical design of thumb up-down and radial circles. It can summarize good and bad and other concepts derived from it. It is also an editable graphic with text and icon placeholders.
This PowerPoint diagram template has theme color applied. So when you do simple copying and pasting, the color will be applied automatically. In addition, shapes and text are 100% editable
This ‘Thumb up-down PowerPoint Diagram Template’ Preview:
This template can be used for school classes, business purposes, and commercial purposes. However, this template cannot be distributed absolutely.
Folded colored ribbon PowerPoint Diagram Template: This template is a colorful ribbon design folded at right angles. Rectangular folded ribbons gradually increase in size and height. It is also an editable graphic with text and icon.
This PowerPoint diagram template has theme color applied. So when you do simple copying and pasting, the color will be applied automatically. In addition, shapes and text are 100% editable
This ‘Folded colored ribbon PowerPoint Diagram Template’ Preview:
This template can be used for school classes, business purposes, and commercial purposes. However, this template cannot be distributed absolutely.
Human puzzle matrix PowerPoint Diagram Template: This is a puzzle matrix of four human puzzle pieces. Puzzles arranged in cross give a colorful feel. Four matrices can be used for BCG, SWOT analysis, or to organize diversified concepts.
This PowerPoint diagram template has theme color applied. So when you do simple copying and pasting, the color will be applied automatically. In addition, shapes and text are 100% editable
This ‘Human puzzle matrix PowerPoint Diagram Template’ Preview:
This template can be used for school classes, business purposes, and commercial purposes. However, this template cannot be distributed absolutely.
Diagonal snake like PowerPoint Diagram Template: This is a diagonal snake-like process diagram. This diagram is a three-step shift process using three colors.It is also an editable graphic with text and icon placeholders.
This PowerPoint diagram template has theme color applied. So when you do simple copying and pasting, the color will be applied automatically. In addition, shapes and text are 100% editable
This ‘Diagonal snake like PowerPoint Diagram Template’ Preview:
This template can be used for school classes, business purposes, and commercial purposes. However, this template cannot be distributed absolutely.
Ribbon decoration PowerPoint Diagram Template: This diagram is a horizontal timeline of colorful ribbon decorations hanging on a line. This allows you to visualize the timeline or progress with hanging on a line decorations. It is also an editable graphic with text and icon placeholders.
This PowerPoint diagram template has theme color applied. So when you do simple copying and pasting, the color will be applied automatically. In addition, shapes and text are 100% editable
This ‘Ribbon decoration PowerPoint Diagram Template’ Preview:
This template can be used for school classes, business purposes, and commercial purposes. However, this template cannot be distributed absolutely.
Bubbles list PowerPoint Diagram Template: This diagram is a list of colorful circles in order. This allows you to visually represent six lists. It is also an editable graphic with text and icon placeholders.
This PowerPoint diagram template has theme color applied. So when you do simple copying and pasting, the color will be applied automatically. In addition, shapes and text are 100% editable
This ‘Bubbles list PowerPoint Diagram Template’ Preview:
This template can be used for school classes, business purposes, and commercial purposes. However, this template cannot be distributed absolutely.
2019 Medical Plan PowerPoint Templates: This template can be used by hospitals, researchers, and schools to create plans related to medical care. In addition, various shapes related to hospital and medical care are included, and various expressions are possible.
2019 Medical Plan PowerPoint Templates: It includes 48 slides
Features: 2019 Medical Plan PowerPoint Templates
Fully and easily editable (shape color, size, and text)
This template has a color theme and will automatically apply color when copied and pasted
It includes a customizable icon family with 135 different icons(Fully editable)
Drag and drop image placeholder
Easy editable data-driven charts (Editable via Excel)
Vector graphics 100% fully editable
Based on master slides
Aspect ratio 16:9
All background images are included. But The pictures used for example in the image placeholder are not included (You can easily insert your images) => Example pictures copyright: 21:35:512020-03-06 17:58:002019 Medical Plan PowerPoint Templates
Globe plants doughnut charts PowerPoint Diagram Template: This template is a four donut chart. This is a template that describes comparisons about the earth’s plants, plants and earth. Doughnut charts are easy to adjust numeric values with formula input.
This PowerPoint diagram template has theme color applied. So when you do simple copying and pasting, the color will be applied automatically. In addition, shapes and text are 100% editable
This ‘Globe plants doughnut charts PowerPoint Diagram Template’ Preview:
This template can be used for school classes, business purposes, and commercial purposes. However, this template cannot be distributed absolutely.