

Images look glasses PowerPoint Diagram Template

Images look glasses PowerPoint Diagram Template: This diagram is designed to show different images of two eyeglasses. This explains the opposite concept through the two images of the glasses. It is also an editable graphic with text and icon placeholders.

Search Keywords: PowerPoint, diagram, template, presentation, graph, icons, infographic, information, idea, illustration, layout, graph, graphic, graphics, data, design, process, progress, set, shape, step, banner, success, symbol, technology, sign, concept, connection, creative, planning, connected, editable, arrow, contrast, compare, opposite, two, image, eyeglasses, glasses

Images look glasses PowerPoint Diagram Template

This PowerPoint diagram template has theme color applied. So when you do simple copying and pasting, the color will be applied automatically. In addition, shapes and text are 100% editable

This ‘Images look glasses PowerPoint Diagram Template’ Preview:


This template can be used for school classes, business purposes, and commercial purposes. However, this template cannot be distributed absolutely.

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Rectangle banner progress PowerPoint Diagram Template

Rectangle banner progress PowerPoint Diagram Template: This diagram is a rectangle banner with arrows aligned horizontally. The four rectangles and arrows indicate the progress or flow of the work. It is also an editable graphic with text and icon placeholders.

Search Keywords: PowerPoint, diagram, template, presentation, graph, graphic, icons, infographic, information, idea, layout, data, design, process, progress, shape, step, symbol, concept, connection, creative, editable, flow, list, rectangle, banner, arrow, horizontally

Rectangle banner progress PowerPoint Diagram Template

This PowerPoint diagram template has theme color applied. So when you do simple copying and pasting, the color will be applied automatically. In addition, shapes and text are 100% editable

This ‘Rectangle banner progress PowerPoint Diagram Template’ Preview:


This template can be used for school classes, business purposes, and commercial purposes. However, this template cannot be distributed absolutely.

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Key on hand PowerPoint Diagram Template

Key on hand PowerPoint Diagram Template: This diagram is 5 circles derived from the key on your hand. You can summarize the five concepts derived from one item. It is also an editable graphic with text and icon placeholders.

Search Keywords: PowerPoint, diagram, template, presentation, graph, graphic, icons, infographic, information, idea, layout, data, design, process, progress, shape, step, symbol, concept, connection, creative, editable, choice, circle, circular, cycle, element, flat, report, section, concentrate, key, hand, circle

Key on hand PowerPoint Diagram Template

This PowerPoint diagram template has theme color applied. So when you do simple copying and pasting, the color will be applied automatically. In addition, shapes and text are 100% editable

This ‘Key on hand PowerPoint Diagram Template’ Preview:


This template can be used for school classes, business purposes, and commercial purposes. However, this template cannot be distributed absolutely.

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Vertical diamond point PowerPoint Diagram Template

Vertical diamond point PowerPoint Diagram Template: This is a simple vertical timeline diagram where the diamond is the point. This timeline uses lines and rhombuses to visualize the flow of time. It is also an editable graphic with text and icon placeholders.

Search Keywords: PowerPoint, diagram, template, presentation, graph, graphic, icons, infographic, information, idea, layout, data, design, process, progress, shape, step, symbol, concept, connection, creative, editable, timeline, line, simple, rectangles, rhombuses, square, lozenge, point, diamond, vertical

Vertical diamond point PowerPoint Diagram Template

This PowerPoint diagram template has theme color applied. So when you do simple copying and pasting, the color will be applied automatically. In addition, shapes and text are 100% editable

This ‘Vertical diamond point PowerPoint Diagram Template’ Preview:


This template can be used for school classes, business purposes, and commercial purposes. However, this template cannot be distributed absolutely.

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Color stripe bar chart PowerPoint Diagram Template

Color stripe bar chart PowerPoint Diagram Template: This diagram is a column chart with colored bands. Bar charts are easy to adjust numeric values with formula input. It is also an editable graphic for text, charts, and icon placeholders.

Search Keywords: PowerPoint, diagram, template, presentation, graph, graphic, icons, infographic, information, idea, layout, data, design, process, progress, shape, step, symbol, concept, connection, creative, editable, analysis, analyze, audit, business, chart, element, part, report, research, result, statistics, stats, stacked, vertical, bar, stripe, band

Color stripe bar chart PowerPoint Diagram Template

This PowerPoint diagram template has theme color applied. So when you do simple copying and pasting, the color will be applied automatically. In addition, shapes and text are 100% editable

This ‘Color stripe bar chart PowerPoint Diagram Template’ Preview:


This template can be used for school classes, business purposes, and commercial purposes. However, this template cannot be distributed absolutely.

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Doughnut bar stairs PowerPoint Diagram Template

Doughnut bar stairs PowerPoint Diagram Template: This diagram is a stepped design with doughnut bar. Emphasize the synergy of information with a four-step staircase of various colors. It is also an editable graphic with text and icon placeholders.

Search Keywords: PowerPoint, diagram, template, presentation, graph, graphic, icons, infographic, information, idea, layout, data, design, process, progress, shape, step, symbol, concept, connection, creative, editable, rise, staircase, up, growth, four, rectangles, color, banner, bar, doughnut

Doughnut bar stairs PowerPoint Diagram Template

This PowerPoint diagram template has theme color applied. So when you do simple copying and pasting, the color will be applied automatically. In addition, shapes and text are 100% editable

This ‘Doughnut bar stairs PowerPoint Diagram Template’ Preview:


This template can be used for school classes, business purposes, and commercial purposes. However, this template cannot be distributed absolutely.

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Emphasize square bars PowerPoint Diagram Template

Emphasize square bars PowerPoint Diagram Template: This diagram is a diagram with a highlighted bar of rectangles derived from books and trophies. You can explain and organize one concept in four ways. It is also an editable graphic with text and icon placeholders.

Search Keywords: PowerPoint, diagram, template, presentation, graph, graphic, icons, infographic, information, idea, layout, data, design, process, progress, shape, step, symbol, concept, connection, creative, editable, choice, circle, circular, cycle, element, flat, report, section, concentrate, four, circle, square

Emphasize square bars PowerPoint Diagram Template

This PowerPoint diagram template has theme color applied. So when you do simple copying and pasting, the color will be applied automatically. In addition, shapes and text are 100% editable

This ‘Emphasize square bars PowerPoint Diagram Template’ Preview:


This template can be used for school classes, business purposes, and commercial purposes. However, this template cannot be distributed absolutely.

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Overlapping rounded arrow PowerPoint Diagram Template

Overlapping rounded arrow PowerPoint Diagram Template: This diagram is a design with four overlapping rounded arrows. It can represent the flow, growth and progress of the four steps. It is also an editable graphic with text and icon placeholders.

Search Keywords: PowerPoint, diagram, template, presentation, graph, icons, infographic, information, idea, layout, graph, graphic, data, design, process, progress, set, shape, step, success, symbol, sign, concept, connection, creative, planning, connected, editable, five, rise, growth, flow, arrow, horizontal, stacked, overlapping, rounded

Overlapping rounded arrow PowerPoint Diagram Template

This PowerPoint diagram template has theme color applied. So when you do simple copying and pasting, the color will be applied automatically. In addition, shapes and text are 100% editable

This ‘Overlapping rounded arrow PowerPoint Diagram Template’ Preview:


This template can be used for school classes, business purposes, and commercial purposes. However, this template cannot be distributed absolutely.

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Photos format timeline PowerPoint Diagram Template

Photos format timeline PowerPoint Diagram Template: This diagram is a simple timeline design using line and Photos. You can visualize the time flow by placing a photo format with the color bar highlighted above the arrows. It is also an editable graphic with text and icon placeholders.

Search Keywords: PowerPoint, diagram, template, presentation, graph, graphic, icons, infographic, information, idea, layout, data, design, process, progress, shape, step, symbol, concept, connection, creative, editable, timeline, simple, line, arrow, bar, photo, format

Photos format timeline PowerPoint Diagram Template

This PowerPoint diagram template has theme color applied. So when you do simple copying and pasting, the color will be applied automatically. In addition, shapes and text are 100% editable

This ‘Photos format timeline PowerPoint Diagram Template’ Preview:


This template can be used for school classes, business purposes, and commercial purposes. However, this template cannot be distributed absolutely.

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Test tube chart PowerPoint Diagram Template

Test tube chart PowerPoint Diagram Template: This diagram is a test tube-shaped bar chart. Data can be modified by simple numeric input. It is also an editable graphic with text and icon placeholders.

Search Keywords: PowerPoint, diagram, template, presentation, graph, graphic, icons, infographic, information, idea, layout, data, design, process, progress, shape, step, symbol, concept, connection, creative, editable, analysis, analyze, audit, business, chart, element, management, part, report, research, result, statistics, stats, medical, science, number, test tube, bar

Test tube chart PowerPoint Diagram Template

This PowerPoint diagram template has theme color applied. So when you do simple copying and pasting, the color will be applied automatically. In addition, shapes and text are 100% editable

This ‘Test tube chart PowerPoint Diagram Template’ Preview:


This template can be used for school classes, business purposes, and commercial purposes. However, this template cannot be distributed absolutely.

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